Dark and Stormy Night

It was a dark and stormy night. Yes, really. It's close to midnight, and someone is lurking in the dark. I was huddled in my room with the door shut, savoring a mug of tea, watching TV, and working on a cross stitch project. The rest of the house was dark. After all, Artoo and... Continue Reading →

My Lawn Is an Interdimensional Portal

When I lose stuff, I lose it catastrophically. I lost a bunch of jewelry for four years because I forgot an entire compartment existed in my jewelry box. I lost half my cutlery when I moved out of Florida because it was in a ziploc bag inside a box labeled 'Disney training manuals' that I... Continue Reading →

The Weirdest Thing in the Neighborhood

My neighborhood--as I have indicated in many, many previous blog posts--is weird. But forget all the lawn panties, the stoned joggers, the barbershops that are frequently under new management, the contantly-watching-me apartment dwellers, and the many, many questionable decisions regarding yard decor: my neighborhood has now officially gained its weirdest thing yet. By which I... Continue Reading →

Reasons My Lawn is a Mess

Last night, after the rain stopped and the ground dried out to a reasonable extent, I had a limited window of time to plant the flowers that I've been keeping in my kitchen until the weather warmed up enough for them to not die.  Also, if I didn't do something about my lawn soon, prior... Continue Reading →

Extreme "Get Off My Lawn"

My neighborhood is very nice, to begin with. Sure, there’s a definite weirdness factor, but for the most part, the houses are well-kept, and the people are friendly and welcoming.  There’s a guy about my age across the street taking care of his chronically ill mom, there’s the constantly late couple who always stop to... Continue Reading →


The legendary, Grammy-winning blues musician Muddy Waters, it turns out, lived out his final years in my little town.  He thought it was the best place on Earth.  You know this guy, even if you don't know him.  He's the dude who wrote that blues song that's been featured in a million movies and commercials. ... Continue Reading →

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